
Shadow Man"And there was a war in heaven:
Michael and his angels fought
Against the dragon;
And the dragon and his angels fought back."

Book of Revelations, Chapter 12, Verse 7

As a desperate New York cop drags his shattered body from a blazing tenement building, his partner and friend perishes inside at the hands of a huge, demonic creature. His death is not in vain, however, for it gives his colleague a chance to escape with the very thing the creature seeks; an enormous and ancient book, sealed shut by a series of powerful clasps...

Some ten years later in the southern United States, a near-empty passenger train thunders through the haze of an early evening dusk, as it makes it way to New Orleans. On board, alone, sits Michael LeRoi. As night falls and the moon rises, white-blue sparks of "Shadow Power" surge from his chest and envelope him as the train's interior lights plunge into darkness. Michael LeRoi, as he does every night, transforms to become the Shadow Man.

Just minutes later, deep within the Louisiana Bayou, Mamma Nettie emerges from the church in which she's based and looks to the sky... She does not like what she sees.

Simultaneously, in a run down New York tenement building, a giant of a man draws his wheelchair up beside an open window. His face a mass of scar tissue, his legs amputated at the knees, his name... Thomas Deacon, P.I. Looking dispassionately toward the sky he places his right hand upon the enormous book he dragged from the burning building ten years earlier.

At the same moment, Michael LeRoi looks toward the heavens through a dust covered train window. He sees what they all see this night... a gigantic, blazing star dominating the sky above.

Wasting no time upon his arrival in New Orleans, Michael makes his way through the deserted streets on his way to the Wild at Heart bar run by Jaunty, the closest thing Shadow Man has to a "friend."

MikeA Shadow Man feels no fear, but as he rounds the corner to the Wild at Heart, the man who by day calls himself Michael LeRoi experiences a sensation that would strike terror in the heart of any mortal man. An unusual silence hangs in the air, the type of silence that soundlessly screams "danger!" He pushes the front door cautiously open and steps into the bar, which lies ruined; the walls and floor covered in arcane symbols.

Quickly, silently, seemingly from nowhere, three shadowy figures appear and surround Shadow Man. Their stealth and poise do not betray their origins, and in the split second he has to think, Shadow Man can't discern who they are and why they would be there. Then, the one with his back to the door laughs wildly, mockingly...

"You see the star? It is a sign that we make our move and reveal our true strength. Soon with great violence will Babylon be thrown down and we shall have power over the fourth part of the Earth. We're delivering a message from Papa Morte to all that would stand against him... we have already possessed the serpent and made it our own. Now we take you!"

He fixes a padlock on the door, takes the key and swallows it.

Slowly clenching his fists, Shadow Man, Walker Between Worlds, Lord of Deadside turns to face his opponents.

And so the adventure begins...

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