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Press Reviews:

PS2 Extreme - By Dave Winding (Score: 98% / Platinum)
PlatinumI was not a big fan of the original Shadow Man - on any platform. While I spent most of my time with the game on the N64, I at least looked at all of them. There just wasn't anything there - the technology was stale, the story didn't grab me and the gameplay was stiff and uninspired. So, when I heard that Acclaim was bringing the title by, knowing that they had been having all kinds of problems getting the game concept approved by Sony, I was less than enthused. It didn't take long, however, to realize that life is different on PS2, and so is Shadowman.

Shadowman: 2econd Coming is a dark, adult adventure along the lines of the Legacy of Kain series, Devil May Cry (although it is more arcade game than adventure) and a lesser-known Psone title from Crystal Dynamics by the name of "Akuji the Heartless" (we actually did a cover on that one a couple of years back). The story involves the Second Coming (Armageddon) and the battle that you must wage as the Shadowman (by night) and as his alter-ego in the world of the living, Mike. Equipped with both traditional weapons (handgun, shotgun, sniper rifle, rapid-fire gun, etc.) and Voodoo weapons and magic, you engage in fierce and gruesome (2econd Coming is not for the weak of stomach) fire-fights as you move closer and closer to the devil himself - dispatching his minions in Louisiana, Russia, Ireland, the underworld and other areas that you probably wouldn't want to put on your "let's go there" list. In addition to all of the shooting mayhem, there are a number of puzzles to solve, secret areas to find and mysteries to be unraveled as you make your way through this massive, sprawling game. I have logged over 20 hours in my adventure and have just reached Ireland. Judging by the number of Sigel (artifacts that you must find throughout the game - they are placed on the Codex in order to use it) that I have been able to place on the cover of the Codex (the book that contains the Litanies that will ultimately allow Mike/Shadowman to move deeper into the game), I suspect that I am barely half way through the game. In addition to the sheer size of the adventure, Shadowman also has a number of moves at his disposal. He can shoot, attack with blades and the like, defend himself with shields, jump, climb, hang and edge along ledges, push blocks, etc., swim, strafe and look around his environment in 360 degrees.

And, the environments are really something to behold. While the individual character graphics are good, the environments are nothing short of spectacular - easily up with the best you can find on PS2. When you take into consideration just how large these areas are, and all of the environmental effects that they make use of (rain, snow, fog, fire, lanterns, dust and the glow coming out of the center of Shadowman - it actually serves to light the night), the results are even more impressive - and all at a frame rate that never dips below 30 FPS, no matter how intense the on-screen action gets. The areas are impressive architecturally (much like Soul Reaver 2) and they completely capture the dark, ominous mood of the narrative. In keeping with the theme, the beautifully orchestrated soundtrack is the perfect complement to the impressive visuals, and the voice acting is actually pretty good - not SR2 great, but good.

While there is much to do and take control of in 2econd Coming, you will find that it really doesn't take any time at all to come to grips with the game's default, two stick approach (forward-backward, strafe right and left with the left stick, camera movement with the right and weapons/shields selected and controlled with the L and R buttons), although it will take some time to master weapon management. You see, you can have up to two weapons active at one time, but larger blade-type weapons require two hands to wield, so you will be pausing the game from time to time to deal with moving around the stuff that you really need to have active.

If I have a complaint about the game, it would be that the enemy AI is nothing spectacular - making use of the tried-and-true method of requiring that you deal out more heat to some than others. While there are some "bosses" that are exceptions to this statement, for the most part they will easily succumb to your superior firepower. Then again, the shooting is really fun "busy" work to keep you occupied as you move from area to area and attempt to solve the game's many mysteries.

Other than that, I am incredibly surprised and have been thoroughly entertained by my time with Shadowman: 2econd Coming. It is a "meat-and-potatoes" adventure that is grand in scale and satisfying as you move through it, and it pays attention to the small details that make the difference between a good game and a great game (like keeping track of the game's cinemas and giving you a written synopsis of them so that, when you leave the game for a couple of days and come back to it, you'll know where to go first and what to do). Easily one of the big surprises of early '02, Shadowman: 2econd Coming is a great addition to PSE2's library of Platinum PS2 games.

The Bottom Line:
If you, like me, are drawn to imaginative, one player, story-driven games, then you will be thrilled with Shadowman: 2econd Coming. Combining outstanding graphics, music and gameplay environments with a quest that is almost (literally) biblical in proportions (and a ton of shooting, plus a large dose of puzzle solving, jumping, swimming, etc), this is one adventure game that you will be spending hours and hours with. While not for the faint of heart, the gore content ultimately proves to be but a mere footnote to a story that is compelling for its great gameplay and rich atmosphere.

Score: 98% / Platinum

"What's great about Shadow Man 2 is that it's a completely new game from the previous one. The new graphics engine allows for more realistic motions, cooler special effects, and lighting that is just plain brilliant."

"Acclaim's Shadow Man: 2econd Coming could be one of the more exciting games on the system."

"Both the enemies and the artificial intelligence have been completely reworked for Shadowman: 2econd Coming. The enemies and AI will have a much greater awareness of their surroundings and will act more cleverly in groups, leading to more-intelligent behavior in complicated areas. Enemies will alert companions, for example, if they spot you or if they find a dead body."

"Make no mistake, Shadowman 2 has been lovingly crafted to deliver a minefield of psychological horror."
  - The Player May 01

"The PlayStation 2's graphical capabilities have been maximised to unleash an incredible array of special effects into the Shadowman Universe."
  - Power May 01

"The strong plot, flashy graphics and spooky atmosphere should make this one of the best PS2 action games this autumn."
  - PSW July 01

"The game is graced with truly disturbing monsters, using new improved AI and animation to scare the pants and socks off you."
  - Gamesmaster July 01

"Shadowman 2 couldn't look much better"
  - PlayStation Max August 01

Press Releases:

Shadow Man: 2econd Coming Ships
A dark, eerie cloud of next-generation horror has risen, as Acclaim announced that it has shipped Shadow Man: 2econd Coming for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment. Featuring an all new game engine that was designed, developed and delivered exclusively for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Shadow Man: 2econd Coming is the latest chapter in the Company's successful supernatural franchise which captivated consumers worldwide with its rich story, immersive gameplay and non-stop action. [FULL STORY]

Shadow Man: 2econd Coming Ship Date Announced
A spell of dark magic and adventure will descend upon gamers next month, as Acclaim announced that it will release Shadow Man: 2econd Coming for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system at the end of February. Featuring an all new game engine that was designed, developed and delivered exclusively for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Shadow Man: 2econd Coming is the latest chapter in the Company's successful supernatural franchise which captivated consumers worldwide with its rich story, immersive gameplay and non-stop action. The game will be in full nationwide retail distribution on March 7, 2002. [FULL STORY]

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